Day 5 of 14

So it’ only been 5 days since I got this Zio Patch put on and after day 2 it was already starting to peel off my skin. It’s kind of irritating because every other day I have to put on tape to make sure it stays on. The other day while I was sleeping, my … More Day 5 of 14

Zio Patch

My last follow up appointment my doctor informed me that he wanted me to wear this rhythm monitor called the Zio XT Patch. It must be kind of pricey because they had to talk to my health insurance to see if they would cover it and it took almost a week to hear back from … More Zio Patch


Exercising has been a major issue in my life since being diagnosed with WPW and Sinus Tachycardia. In the last year I have gained 41 pounds since being diagnosed and it has been a major life change for me. I’ve always had a fast metabolism and even after having two kids I’ve never had a … More Exercising

Operation WPW

It’s been nearly a year now that I have been diagnosed with Wolff’s Parkinson White Syndrome (WPW) which is a heart condition. Basically it’s like an abnormal electrical pathway in my heart that makes my heart beat extremely fast (while sitting still it would get up to 183 and my “resting” heartbeat which normal is … More Operation WPW